HDH067 - Paper Pandemonium ala Barb...

See... I TOLD you I already had it done!  I actually had finished this over a week ago :)  thankfully, because work has had me freakin' swamped!  No fun time for me, dammit :(

Anyhoo, back to today's (last week's) bit o' fun:
For my offering for HDH067 Paper Pandemonium challenge, I used three different papers from Crafty Chaos Designs.  The line is called Velvet Descent.  LOVE it!  I also used one of Susan's images called Part of Me.

The pictures aren't great... the violet looks more grapey-purple than it's supposed to look :)  And it's MUCH more blended in real life... WTF?

I LOVE the black rose trim from American Crafts.  I can't remember where the black baubles came from, and the edger punch is EK Sucess (or is it a MS?).  Oi.  Where's my head?

Well, I'm off (yeah... waaaaaaaaay off) to get some more work done.  Ugh.  Cross your fingers and cast a spell that I may find time on Sunday to announce some past winners... it's my only day off for 2 weeks :)


Cheryl Valadez said…
Beautiful and surreal. Love these colors!
Andrea C said…
Amazing looking card and the colour looks great. I think rather than announcing winners you should enjoy your day off and CHILL!!!! x
Carmen said…
So gorgeous. Absolutely love it.
What a beautiful and haunting project!
DonnaMundinger said…
WOW is this ever YUMMY! Gorgeous, Barb! xxD
This is BEAUTIFUL. I love the colors. Sorry your work has you so crazy- more play is needed, want me to write you a note? :)

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