Going green!

Are you ready for a new, macabre challenge? The theme for April is Going Green and there are multiple ways to interpret that, as long, of course, as it's also dark and macabre in some way. We don't want anything sweet and cute with spring greenery, bleurgh! You can either use the colour green somewhere in your project (the perfect excuse for zombie skin) OR you can make it about jealousy or envy (the green-eyed monster) OR you can go "green" in the eco-friendly way and up-cycle or re-cycle something. We LOVE to see all the different interpretations that people come up with. The Minions' two favourite creations get to display the March Macabre Masterpiece badge Remember, the person who gets the most badges by the end of the year will receive a glorious prize from the Minions, AND if you win one of the monthly challenges, you get a chance to be a Gruesome Guest Designer for the next challenge.
Show us your most gothic, macabre, twisted creations and revel in the dark side of crafting. 
My fellow Minions have ROCKED this challenge! They're a super-talented bunch and I'm honoured to be able to play in the same dungeon. Several of them have used multiple interpretations of "green" so be sure to check out their blogs for details.Here are your inspiration pieces for this month.

So come and play with us in the dungeon and share your own interpretations of the theme. Remember to keep it dark and gothic, not light and sweet. You have until May 3rd to join us and you can enter up to 3 creepy creations. 


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