May Monster Madness is upon us!! It's the one day of the year that we pay special homage to the monsters we love so. Being that we celebrate monsters and all things creepy here at HDH everyday, things may look like business as usual. But just know we did do some things a bit special just for today. Check out a couple of our design team's make for today. You can click on the link in their name to be whisked away to their personal blogs for more info on their monstrous projects. BLACKDRAGON ZOMBIE CHILD OF MINE. altered china doll DELICIOUSLY DEVIANT DONNA Monster of the Deep or "Be Careful What You FISH for" Creepy Glowbugg More of a miscellaneous monster montage... Contagion of Corrosion Croms Fang-tasmogorical Fiona. Thanks for dropping by today. Hope you enjoyed our segment of May Monster Madness. An InLinkz Link-up ...