HDH119 - Freaker's Free-for-All

*Please see the sidebar for HDH Macabre Monday Rules*
(Note: entries not following the guidelines are not eligible for prizes or badges)

Ok, macabre fans... your challenge this week:

"Freaker's Free-for-All"

You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween-based art piece
with no restrictions.
That's right... the Mistress has been slacking, so everyone gets to benefit with a laid-back, no-holes-barred, do-WTF-ever-you-want challenge!

Check out what the Macabre Minions have created to feast your eyes upon:

Sultana of the Sinister Lynx:

Creepy Cricut Cween Donna:

Agent of the Abominable Andrea:

Our Devious Digital Demoness Susan
will be back when she is feeling better, hopefully soon!

Temptress of Terror Teri
is running a bit late, but check back later for something fantastic as usual!
EDIT:- Here I am, please don't sack me!!

Imp of Insanity Ike:

Cadaverous Concoctor of Chaos Creepy Glowbugg:
will post on Wretched Wednesday, so check back!

And The Masterful Mistress of the Macabre
may or may not be back later this week with a little sumpin' sumpin'...  I've been working my boo-tay off and my only free time is reserved for sleep :)

But do YOU have time to play along this week?!  We hope so... with such an easy challenge, how can you NOT join us?


pensive pumpkin said…
I can't believe I finally get to enter! Rules are sooooo overrated!
Unknown said…
I am so impressed by everyone's talent.. I feel like a freak (not in a good way), but thanks for having me anyway, LOL!
Jenn Borjeson said…
Love the freaker's free-for-all! :) Thanks for the fun challenge.
Loved this challenge...it was a great opportunity for me to use something that I've been wanting to use since I found it!
I'm so excited I just posted #2 project for this challenge!
KristyLee said…
Hi there, as usual the unusual projects the DTs came up w/ are just so Fabulous! Your DT so ROCK!! I hope you like my bloody offering!
KristyLee said…
I am back with another offering, I hope you like what came out of my mind.
KristyLee said…
Hi freaky friends, I have another offering today, I think it's a bloody good one! He he he! I hope you find my offering worthy! Happy creepy day to ya!
Anonymous said…

I've just finished my card *pant pant*

Thanks for the challenge, it made think a lot. More on my blog ;-)

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