Check it...

The Mistress has a card today!!!  I know... un-freakin-believable.

I am a bit of a cheater though.  This was actually done a couple of months ago!  ACK!  I know.  It was one of six cards I did for my Elegantly Eerie card class last week.  I had 25 people show for the class, and the three extra kits were gone by the time it was over!  Sah-weet!  I used all of Moxxie's new Midnight Dreary paper line... LOVE LOVE LOVE every single paper in that line!

I will say that it took FOREVER to cut and punch all of the pieces for the kits.  I definitely don't make any for my time, which completely sucks.  BUT, I do enjoy teaching.  Here's another card from that class:

Super easy, but I just couldn't bring myself to cover that beautiful house!  You can't see it here, but I ended up adding clear glitter pen over the eaves and the right side of roofs & projections... and in each of the windows for a little candlelight effect.  Obviously this wasn't one of the tricky ones, but I'll be showing the others over a few more posts :)

That ribbon... ooooooooh me likey a lot!  It is velvet w/ a crocheted edge and it is crazy expensive.  I couldn't help it... it had me at black velvet.  And don't ask me about the effed up lighting on the second shot... it totally looks freakin' yellow.

That's it for now... and you've still got about 18 hours left to play along with this week's challenge!!


These are both great Barb, but I particularly love your apothecary creation, just gorgeous!
AmethystCat said…
Great cards!!! Glad to see your creepy creations!!!
Patti J said…
Wow, Barb - these are totally creepin' me out! Great job!!! We watched Hatchet II last night, and I thought of you :) Thanks for sharing!
Kimberly said…
WOW!!! love love these cards....the first one is my fav...tfs
DonnaMundinger said…
I'm definitely up for a cocktail! Lovin' your cards. Both of them! xxD
ike said…
Oh super cool cards - love them both and I actually like the yellowed effect on the 2nd pikkie :-)
Ike xxx
Andrea C said…
Superbly classy x
Both of these cards are gorgeous Barb, but I think the 2nd one is my favourite..... love the house and that velvet?.... you had me at ribbon! LOL

Fiona. x

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