Christmas Zombie Bob...

Ok, maybe it's not Bob... maybe his name is Cletus and he is from hillbilly country... or, it could be Justin and he lives in the 90210... whatever storyline you wanna work worth, man.  :)
Jennifer, one of my fellow Simply Betty Stamps DT gals has her own fun digi for sale.
You can find out more info by visiting Jennifer's blog,
and you can purchase this Christmas Zombie at Jennifer's Etsy store!

I do believe my buddy & Macabre Minion, Creepy Glowbugg, has worked up a little sumpin' sumpin' with Bob, too.  You should probably go check to make sure :)
AND I might have just ONE more card to share before Christmas gets here... 
you just never know :)


Andrea C said…
I love how you distressed the page and then the blood splatters, brilliant x
Netty said…
LOL Brilliant. Happy Christmas or should I say Happy Splatters....
Annette x
Ms. Jen said…
LOL, I love it!
Jennifer said…
Awesome Barb,

Your card is amazing!

Carol W. said…
Love all the details, this image is fantastic! TFS
Celeste said…
Love him! You rock! Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Kel said…
ummmm...duuuuhhhhmmm ya...umm thats a goodie!! I'm lovin the edging on this.. very clever. Very nicely done tfs!

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