Beastly Butterfly take two...

... here's another one... not sure about it... me thinks me mojo is amiss.

Digi:  Butterfly (Scrap Your Scraps)
Other:  EK Success edger punch
Copics:  0, V99, YR04, YR18, R24, R29

Maybe I'll have some time this weekend to try again... hmmm...

What do you think?


Alison said…
I think it's awesome! I love the shadowing! The depth you created with blending those colors is awesome! Really cool!
Huckleberry said…
Kamikaze butterfly! lol

Love the colors!
Michelle said…
I think it's cool! That fire is awesome!! Love the border punch you used...never seen that one before. Thanks for playing with us at FBW this week :)
Celeste said…
Come to the light...the firelight. I'm lovin' it! The colors are very nice!
DonnaMundinger said…
OOOOhhhh COOL!!!! Like a moth to flame! LOVE it! xxD
Kristen H said…
Very cool, I love the punched border on the bottom. This butterfly is really cool looking!
I like the charred looked with the inking!

Burned by desire.
Linda aka Oz said…
are we going up in flames? Or burning down the house??? I am sooooo confused.....


This butterfly makes me see fish, like a sea cucumber. I used to see these sea slugs when I was a scuba diver and they had the same wing movement like this butterfly image.

love the flames!!! Oz
Love the colouring. Has real impact value.
RenĂ©e said…
Oh this is STUNNING. I love how you made the flames look so real. Feeling hot just looking at the card.
Nancy said…
The flames are amazing!! Thanks for fluttering with us this week!!
Unknown said…
Wow! I can feel the heat! Great shading, too!

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