Master of the Macabre & other various Rock Stars...

First things first... I know... I suck... and not in a good way.  I didn't do my assignment for HDH024... I tried, but what came about went into the trash bin.  So I'm skipping directly to our power players for the week :)

HDH024 - Purple Haze Gruesome Twosome: Susan for her purely purple digital raven collage, and Oz for her purple dungeon-esque box {hey Oz... nice box ;)}!  Please grab your GT badge from the sidebar ladies and linky it back to here!

Random prize drawing winner for week HDH024, who will receive a surprise package from HDH, is... Susan!!!  Susan, please email me your address and I'll mail out your prize sometime this week!

AND hellllloooooooooo... why didn't someone remind me to name the Master of the Macabre for January?!  Have you been on pins & needles?  Or maybe you're not into that ;) 

The Gruesome Twosome list from which I will draw a name for Master of the Macabre for January 2010 (from HDH020-HDH023 challenges):
1.  Terra
2.  Oz
3.  Nans
4.  Melisa
5.  Terra
6.  Kristen
7.  Alison
8.  Lynx
9.  Alex

{drum roll}

The Master of Macabre for January 2010 is:  Terra!!!  Grab your Master of the Macabre badge from the sidebar, and please email me with your mailing address so I can send out your winnings :)

Thanks so much for everyone's participation!


Linda aka Oz said…
Wicked cackles to all of us rockstars..ohh love being called a rockstar..
We all bow deeply to Terra,our January Goddess. She has the septer for the (well almost) entire month!!! hehe Thank you again Barb and dish us up a new challenge... pleeeeaseee!
Alison said…
Congrats Terra! You def. are a rockstar!!! I agree with Oz. Next challenge please!
Kristen H said…
Congrats, Terra! How exciting!!!

Bows to all!!

Bows to all!!
blackdragon said…
Doffing cap, tugging forlock, and bowing... all hail to the new master.
Congrats terra... and to OZ... much deserved as always,i really really want the box, and to susan for that fantastic Raven.
Well done you girls you're all rockstars... you all know how to rock a challenge!
xxx lynx
WOW, I'm honoured, and I'm so sorry I didn't see this post before, I didn't scroll down past the challenge!
I'm a follower now, so that won't happen again ;)
And congrats to Terra and Oz too, lol, I got so giddy I forgot to be polits! :P

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