Macabre Monday #028 - Teen Angst

HDH Macabre Monday Rules:
1. Create a dark and macabre SOMETHING (card, scrap page, altered item, whatever) that follows the specific Macabre Monday challenge given. Cutesy is fine, but creepy is better :)
2. You have until the following Sunday night @ 5pm central time to post your creation and please leave a direct-link back here.
3. If you upload to any online galleries (TACPCC, S&S, PCP, SCS, etc.), please tag the title using HDH028.
4. Weekly giveaways!  Some weeks will be loaded with loot, others not-so-much... but the thrill is in the win, right?!  Some prizes shall be by random drawing, others hand picked... and I'm not telling you ahead of time :)
5. I'll be selecting a weekly Gruesome Twosome (my top two favorite creations) from all the players. At the end of every month these will be compiled and a Master of Macabre will be selected. He/she will be asked to be a guest blogger for the following month, if they so wish, and receive a little giftie from me... this could be stamp sets, handmade items, papers, halloweenie embellishments... you just never know.

Ok, my little pretties... your challenge this week:
Teen Angst

 You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween page, project or card using images/sentiments exemplifying those sometimes not so wonderful creatures known as teenagers.  "Everyone hates me... I don't care... You suck... No, YOU suck... Now I know why some animals eat their young..." whatever!  As long as it has a Gothic or "dark" twist :)

And look... I finished my challenge card on time!!  Yeay!  This is another Stamp It Crazy image... let's face it... I love 'em :)  Look at this little bat-winged fairie... does she not have an attitude?  WTF is right!  :)  Please click on the pictures... they look better bigger... just like most things {giggling}

I've GOT to get some lighter green Copic markers... her skin turned out waaaaay to dark.  I used the blender on the bridge of her nose & for her eyeshadow... I didn't want to push my luck on trying to lighten anything else :)

And how do you like the shiny boots, wings & eyes?  Crystal Lacquer is my friend!

Stamps:  MS185 gothic fairy (StampItCrazy - scroll down a little), Playful-bet (TAC)
Paper:  Hemingway, black, & white UltraSmooth cardstocks
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo, Eggplant VM
Other:  Copics, Scor-Bug, Crystal Lacquer, black lace, & bat trim

Ok people... let's see what you come up with!!  By the way, the prize this week will be for this awesome rubber stamp from Stamp It Crazy!!!

Once again, there were SO MANY wonderful entries last week!  I definitely had to draw names from my SEVERAL favorites...

 HDH027 - Gothic Asian Persuasion Gruesome Twosome:  CreepyGlowbugg for both of her dark Asian pieces (firey pagoda & the horned dude) , and Lynx for her beyond awesome altered box!  I know that both of you already have the GT badge from the sidebar... you rock stars :)

The prize winner for week HDH027, who will receive the awesome Asian image used in my challenge card from Stamp It Crazy, is... Kristen!!  And by the way, Kristen... your Copic Anime creation was awesome!  Please email me your address and I'll forward it on to Barb at Stamp It Crazy!!


LOL, what a FAB theme, I can't wait to get started :D
As the mom of a teenage boy- this is FABULOUS!!! Maybe I should just snap a picture? LOL!

Congrats to the Gruesome Twosome and to Kristen for winning the fabulous stamp!!
Unknown said…
Its been forever, but wow you nailed teen angst right on the head and I have to say I love it!
Celeste said…
Great card, love the sentiment! I think the green is perfect...wouldn't change a thing.
I've gotta get some stamps so I can play along :-)
Kristen H said…
Back flip of happiness! so AWESOME!!! Thank you!!! I loved this stamp when I saw it, I can't wait to get it!!! HAPPY DANCE, and a Monday to boot! YIPPEY!

Can't wait to come back and play!!!!


Suzanne said…
I'll be posting something later this evening! I'm now trying to survive exactly what you're describing. If anyone ever tells you teen boys are easier and less hormonal - they're lying!!!
Chris said…
I stamp to forget that I have a teenager lurking around the house, drinking just wasn't working.
Seriously, macabre and teenager go hand in hand. you should get lots of fun entries.
First time doing an HDH challenge, and I had a blast! This was so much fun!
Sharon said…
Great card!! The image rocks!!
Anonymous said…
Mission accomplished. Just entered the link to my bookmark. I think I fancy bookmarks at the moment. Bought a lot of books recently. I guess I know why... *wink*

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