Macabre Monday #002 - Creepy Christmas

Welcome to the second ever Haunted Design House Macabre Monday challenge! Since I'm new to this whole challenge-hosting-thing, please bear with me while I figure it all out :)

HDH Macabre Monday Rules:
1. Must have fun and not stress.
2. Create a Halloweenie SOMETHING (card, scrap page, altered item, whatever) that follows the specific Macabre Monday challenge given. Cutesy Halloween is fine, but creepy is better :) However, no extra 'points' are given either way.
3. You have until the following Sunday night @ 5pm central time to post your creation and linky back here.
4. If you upload to any online galleries (PW, PCP, SCS, etc.), please tag the title using HDH002.
5. Starting in September, I'll have monthly contest giveaways... more details to follow. So for these next couple of weeks, you're going to be doing this for the sheer joy of it ;)
6. I'll be selecting a weekly Gruesome Twosome (my top two favorite creations) from all the players. At the end of every month these will be compiled and a Master of Macabre will be selected. He/she will be asked to be a guest blogger for the following month, if they so wish, and receive a little giftie from me (I have NO idea what this will be!!).

That should do it until I figure out what I missed :)

Ok, my little pretties... your challenge this week:
Creepy Christmas

Get a jump on those winter holiday cards... with a twist. Creep-out those Christmas trees or scare-up some snowmen... maybe a little garland on the gravestones? Here's my 1st example.

My little snowman has cast a Christmas spell... see how he's floating? The buttons are covering up a faux pas I had made... I'm glad I made a mistake :) I made 10 of these... that much closer to finishing my winter holiday cards early!!

TAC Stamps: Holiday Cheer (available Sept. 1!!), Hello Snow (retired), Edge Designs, Merry Words (retired)
Paper: White UltraSmooth, black, & Penelope cardstocks
Ink: Noir Palette
Other: Prismacolor pencils w/ mineral oil, Scor-Pal, Scor-Bug, Black & White Scrapper's Floss, misc. buttons, MS ribbon, Icicle Stickles, DCWV card base, Michael's cauldron stamp

I've got a couple more Halloweenie Christmas cards to show this week, so be sure to check back!

Now it's your turn... let's see those Haunted Holiday Cards!


Patti J. said… much fun!!! I'm going to be out of town today, and part of tomorrow, but I promise to play! This sounds like a real challenge - I have never EVER mixed Halloween and Christmas before - great fun!!!
blackdragon said…
Oh i'm so happy i found this challenge blog... shame i missed your 1st week thou... but i might make something anyway.... will be back when i have something to share!!!
lynx aka blackdragon
Trudy Osborn said…
Barb, You are truly AMAZING! If anyone can make something that is REALLY now Halloween, work for Halloween, it is YOU!
Christina said…
Cool! It's on my to do list!!!
AmethystCat said…
you crack me up - awesome!
Anna said…
You always make me laugh! Not sure I can pull off this challenge! But it totally made me think of The Nightmare Before Christmas. Wonder if I got any sketons hanging out in my stamp room?!
Unknown said…
Hi great challenge site I shall br taking part sorry I missed the first one
Luv Jane xxx
Michelle said…
I wanna be like you when I grow up!!! This rocks, my friend!! You are the queen of halloween and thinking outside the box...will you be my hero?? LOL
Chris said…
I'm not ashamed to say that this isn't the first time I've combined the two holidays, and this is the more tasteful. Well, read the post that goes with my card and you'll see what I mean.
Teresa Jenkins said…
Great card! I love your haunted blog, I hope to jump into some of your challenges soon! Love haloweeny stuff too! So many options!
Linda said…
I do love Halloween and Christmas but have never combined the two on a card. Your cards are totally AWESOME!!!
OK I have made a go at this and posted my card in Mr Linky. Hope you like it. ;)

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