A rant and a little haunted house...

The Maple Leaf Festival was super busy on Saturday! Last year we went later on Sunday and there wasn't near as many people... we show up right before parade time, so it was wall-to-wall people! I didn't spend very much this year... I think it was because, though I may seem to be sort of a 'people person', I'm really not! :) I just don't feel comfortable in crowds. A lot of it is because people are just not cordial like they used to be...


...is the phrase 'excuse me' in your vocabulary?! I must be showing my age or something, but I actually attempt to move over on the sidewalk if someone is approaching me so that they may pass, and I ALWAYS say 'excuse me' or 'pardon me', 'please', 'thank you'.

Am I wrong on this?!

Some of these people today [and no, it's not just kids & teenagers] have absolutely no common manners. I'm not saying that I am Eloise or Miss Proper Etiquette or anything, but come on people!!

Ok, rant over. On to the fun stuff. I started making these cards yesterday and finished them up late tonight. The techniques and supplies for the House Haunt Cards are almost exactly the same as my Creepy Landscape Card, except I used the haunted house from Halloween Town in-lieu-of the tree from Love & Laughter. I also used an eggplant cardstock on the smaller card instead of the navy.

Since my rant was so long tonight, I cut the fun part short. Sorry for the poor quality lighting for these photos... I didn't have the natural light like I usually do, so the colors are off.

What do you think?


Sarah said…
This is amazing!! Wonderful artwork! :) I loved your rant, too! Have a fabulous day.

Sarah G.
stacy said…
Another AWESOME card Barb!!

I'm with ya on the whole manners thing. My biggest pet peeve is when I'm at a store and I'm browsing the shelves and someone walks right in front of you, close enough to brush up against you without saying excuse me. It drives me crazy! LOL Anyway, glad to hear that you had a nice time at the festival :)
Seleise said…
fantabulous! I think the light and colors are simply fantabulous!
Kim said…
This card is fantastic!!! Love the colors and how you can see the sky through the windows! You're definitely not the only one! My husband and I always have this conversation when we leave the grocery store. Why is it that people are so rude and inconsiderate while they are shopping?
BarbL said…
LOVE the card! Perfect image capture for Halloween.
Totally agree about the manners! It makes it even more difficult to raise your kids with manners when it seems the rest of the world doesn't use them anymore. But yet we persist...perhaps those of us WITH manners can, one at a time, make a change in the world again for the better!
Allison said…
A stunning composition Barb!
kellyrae said…
You've got the MZ knack, Barb! I love the colors and the house looks sooooo spooky.
Angela K said…
WOW!! love it!!
Amazing inking! I hear ya on the manners too.

OH WOW! I love this technique. It looks hard though. I need to search for a tutorial and play with it. Someone said that you use brayers. I wonder if they make mini ones. The thought of cleaning the brayers doesn't seem fun. TFS.
Jeanie said…
The card is awesome and very spooky looking!! I love it!
I am with you... I am not a crowd person either as I usually end up getting mad because people are so rude. HA!
Heather x said…
I am with you Barb, I have noticed the increase in the lack of manners and your right it's not the teenagers or young children!

I love your spooky card, beautiful :0)
**Hugs** Heather x
Carolyn King said…
wow..beautiful...love the bg for that cool silhouetted stamp!

And yes---matters seems to have gone away in our society. It is a shame--all we can do is keep using ours and teach the children to do the same...
First I love your project and it's so festive. Next, on your manners for people, I sooo agree! When we moved back to our small local hometown, I've REALLY been dismayed at how rude people are here compared to other places we've lived. Thanks for stating your thoughts!
Theresa Momber said…
Eek! I feel exactly the same way. I could rant for hours on the subject.

Wowzers, that card is amazing! Beautiful job!
Monika/Buzsy said…
What do I think? I LOVE it! Great sponging and the black images looks great on top. TFS!
Debbie Olson said…
I *love* the colors in the background here, Barb--very effective!
sandyh50 said…
Beautiful card, BArb!! I love it!

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